My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 227 - Allergic To The Light Particles

But that was not all, soon after others portals showed up and dead wizards appeared, and to Kevin delighted another message popped up immediately.

[ Darkness element spell level 4 : Summoning Dead Wizards, need 1 200 Soul force points to activate the observation skill, Yes / No. ]

He immediately agreed to all the spells and a few seconds later he received all the notifications that he had copied them all.

Kevin couldn\'t believe his luck, not only had he been able to copy the dead cyclops and dead giants summoning spells but the General Wizard must have run out of Soul force and so he had summoned dead wizards.

The system sent him another message even though it was a bit useless because he could count the number of his enemies by himself.


1 General Wizard

3 Dead Giants

4 Dead Cyclops

50 Dead Wizards

Kevin then said to them : "I\'ll leave you to deal with the dead wizards and I\'ll immobilize the dead giants and the dead cyclops with my Chains of Restraint so all you have to do is execute them ... This fucking General is for me."

Kevin didn\'t know if the dead cyclops would be able to use their darkness beam because they don\'t have Soul force and they can still use this special technique twice, so may be even his Chains of Restraint wouldn\'t be able to block it, may be it was kind of an innate skill that didn\'t require Soul force to be used.

This time he didn\'t want to take any chances, so he decided to use the technique that his teacher had shown him yesterday morning and after his Chains of Restraint had pinned them all to the ground, he created spikes of ice surrounded by the element of lightning just above their eye that was right in the middle of their foreheads, and once they were formed he planted them mercilessly in it.

Axel, Liam, and Ian didn\'t hesitate to throw themselves into the battle once again, and since they were protected by Kevin\'s dead knights from the fireballs the dead wizards were throwing at them, they quickly finished them off without any of them being hurt.

And before killing the dead giants and dead cyclops that were waiting to be executed, they all followed Kevin\'s fight with the General Wizard by mutual agreement.

Kevin chose to fight him with a totally green shortsword, made entirely of light particles, and contrary to what everyone thought, these particles were not only used to heal or eliminate the darkness particles.

When the light particles were concentrated enough, they acted on the demons\' bodies like a poison, and unlike the darkness particles which acted like an acid and burned the skin before attacking the organs, the light particles penetrated the skin and created internal damage invisible from the outside.

According to the knowledge of the former bearers of the Pentagram Mark, only demons could be affected by the light particles, whereas the darkness particles could be used against humans as well as demons.

He was curious to see what a concentration of light particles from a Warrior Spirit could do to a demon, so while fighting the General Wizard, he pierced him with his shortsword in several places and each time before removing it from his body, he left a good dose of light particles in his wound.

Thanks to his improved Stats he could follow the path of the light particles that were spreading in his body and to his great surprise they were using the bloodstream to spread everywhere.

When he saw them reach the heart and brain of the General Wizard, he moved away from him and when this demon wanted to chase him, to Kevin\'s great satisfaction, he saw him fall to his knees with one hand on his heart and the other one on his head.

Screams of pain followed and Axel, who had just joined Kevin, asked him perplexed : "What did you do to him, why does he look in agony, it\'s not those few sword blows that should have put him in this state ..."

When Kevin saw that Liam and Ian were obviously wondering the same thing, he told them, very pleased with himself : "I poisoned his body with the light particles, they spread through his bloodstream and got into his heart and brain."

They all widened their eyes, and Kevin added with a glance at Ian : "Ian, now that you\'re half Pure Demon don\'t let Alan heal you with the light particles again or you\'ll get hurt even more."

Ian nodded, he had never heard of light particles being used as a poison against demons but seeing how painful it looked he didn\'t really want to try it.

Kevin, who was getting tired of his screams, and feeling it wasn\'t going fast enough for his liking, threw his shortsword right above the General Wizard, who wasn\'t even aware of it, and scattered the particles of light he had used to shape it and aimed them straight at him.

They penetrated his body directly and a few seconds later the General Wizard disintegrated before their eyes.

Kevin had never liked to torture, he had always preferred to give a quick death to his enemies but seeing Alan and Erik in this state had really pissed him off and he had needed to vent his frustration and anger on someone.

Kevin then looked at them and said, after cancelling the summoning spells of his dead knights, who immediately disappeared : "Did you want to enjoy the show before to execute them ?"

The three of them nodded their heads and Ian vowed never to go near the light particles again, he said to Liam : "Remind me to tell Alan that I\'m now allergic to the light particles."

Liam laughed awkwardly and said : "The sooner the better, fuck this was scary, I always thought light particles were harmless."

Axel then said to them : "Let\'s finish this quickly so Kevin can stop using his Warrior Spirit skill, it would be better if he could rest now."

And once all the summoned creatures were decapitated Kevin did exactly what Axel had just said, he dispersed his Chains of Restraint and he deactivated his Warrior Spirit skill.

Kevin saw the worried look on their faces so he told them to reassure them : "I\'m not going to collapse again so stop worrying, the last time it was only because I was already exhausted after removing this damn necklace and because I used my Stage 3 right after that I had trouble recovering.

But thanks to Ashton\'s remedy that got me back on my feet, I can use my Stage 2 without having any negative effects."

Axel asked him doubtfully : "How long can you use it without having a negative effect ?"

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