Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 391 - Damn!

Chapter 391: Damn!

"You guys are next"

Michael grinned, but it was too scary to look at because his face was void of emotion and it even made the thugs flinch while looking at him.


But one of the thugs didn\'t care and yelled in anger as he looked at their companion on the ground, whose condition is currently unknown.

All of them then turned their attention back to Michael and pulled out pocket knives from their pockets and glared at Michael.

"You bastard! What are guys waiting for!? Christmas!? Kill him!"

Amanda and the others had just arrived at the right time to see the armed thugs charging towards the nonchalant looking Michael, which made almost all of them shudder in fright as they weren\'t expecting to be met with this kind of scene!

Amanda wanted to help but she didn\'t know how to fight armed people, and the soldier from earlier had just arrived and was about to step forward and lend Michael a hand when the scene before them changed!

And it not only made him dumbfounded, but the others too!

It was because Michael successfully disarmed three men so skillfully that it quickly deterred the other two as it stopped them in their tracks.

Earlier, Michael had just skillfully and easily taken the knife from the first thug that attacked him first and broke his elbow with an uppercut before ducking down, followed by a spin on his knees and stabbed the knife at the thigh of the thug that came following after, and seeing the situation before his yes, the third thug didn\'t even had the option to put the brakes on his because Michael had suddenly executed a spinning move from below and landed a capoeira kick on his face!

Making him eat dirt!

Followed by Michael getting back on his feet like nothing happened at all!

Everything happened so smoothly that it made the people watching drop their jaws!

And everything took place in just a few seconds! That\'s not even enough to chew the mouthful of food in your mouth!

"Argh! It hurts! Help me!"

"My arm! S-sh*t! Call the police! No, the ambulance! H-hurry up! What are you bastards still standing there like an idiot!?"

Michael, the remaining two thugs and the dumbfounded spectators just stood there and looked at the scene in shock, with the screaming of the stabbed thug and the one that got his arm broken screaming in the background.

\'What the hell? Who is this guy? Even the Captain couldn\'t be as fast as him! No, I think I\'ve never even seen anyone in my battalion as fast as this guy!\'

The young soldier from earlier thought to himself in shock.

"You two just gonna stand there?" said Michael with a smile while provoking them with his hand to come at him.

"You bastard, we\'ll surely remember this! Just you wait!"

The remaining thugs weren\'t idiots, they knew that they had just bumped onto a steel plate, so the two of them hurriedly picked up their friends and slowly left towards the other direction.


Michael just watched them leave with a disdainful sneer on his face, he didn\'t even take their threats to heart.

It was like how a dragon wouldn\'t care about the threats of an ant.

Soon after that, Amanda quickly came over and inspected the two pups that were suffering from varying degrees of burns, which was really a pitiful sight to see.

Amanda and Michael took one pup each into their arms as they decided to stop their excursion this time and descend the mountain to get the pups for a check up at the veterinary.

With their enthusiasm to continue their jog, doused.

The others also followed them down the path as they started chatting among themselves in a boisterous manner.

"How could they have the heart to hurt such a small existence? And they shamelessly call themselves gangsters, they should pick someone their own size if they want to look manly!" said someone among the gathered small crowd, their voice was filled with anger and indignation.

Then another chimed in saying, "Exactly! They\'re not even part of the largest gangs in the city, and they are so arrogant! Do they think they\'re Blackskull or War Angel? Even those two gangs don\'t dare commit any crimes in broad daylight! Obviously, fighting on the streets is an exception though!"

"You make it sound like you\'re familiar with them!" said a girl with a laugh.

The young man who mentioned about the two gangs scratched the back of his head, and with little hesitation, he said, "Well, I\'m a member of War Angel"

Almost everyone turned their heads towards him after he uttered those two words, and the young man couldn\'t help but shiver, feeling those piercing stares directed at him.

"You must be new, because no one is dumb enough to reveal that their gang members" Michael laughed when he felt that the atmosphere had suddenly turned awkward.

The young man laughed awkwardly saying, "Yeah~ I just joined a week ago. So, I\'m not actually sure what I was saying earlier"

"Pfft, and you sounded like you were a long time member earlier"

With someone breaking the ice, the conversation that stagnated earlier, resumed, but now a little warrier at the young man who introduced himself as a gang member.

And compared to Blackskull, who are almost black to the core. Civilians at least know that members of War Angel are more law-abiding than their counterparts, so they weren\'t really that scared to have a chat with him.

Meanwhile, Michael is also facing a dilemma at his side.

"Bro! What you did earlier was so awesome! You gotta teach me those moves, and I\'m not kidding when I said you\'re even better than those in my battalion!" The young soldier from earlier, who introduced himself as Greg, kept pestering Michael to teach him martial arts, which really bothered the latter as he really didn\'t want to be associated with a soldier.

"Bro, are you hung up because I didn\'t help you earlier? But everything happened so fast that I didn\'t even manage to intrude in your fight!" Greg hurriedly said, naively thinking that it must because he didn\'t lend any help earlier when a soldier such as him was there at the scene.

The young lady who came with him touched her face and said, "Oh god~ stop embarrassing yourself will you!? Just as you have mentioned, it happened too fast, and he didn\'t need your help at all!"

\'Oh my god! Thank you, young lady!\' Michael thought happily inside him when he heard the snarky remark from behind him.

Greg turned his head towards her and pointed his finger at her saying, "Eunice, you\'re exactly right!"

"Oh my god! Greg, shut up!" Eunice, finally couldn\'t hold it in and snapped at him in anger!

Then she turned towards Amanda beside her and said, "I\'m so sorry about his behavior, my boyfriend becomes like this when he\'s too excited about something"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Greg nodded along with her while clapping by himself saying, "She\'s right, so have you finally decided to teach me bro?"

"No, let me think about it first"

While those around them, who had already stopped talking to listen to them, could only shake their heads with a smile as they didn\'t expect that they would actually see someone who is not only enthusiastic, but thick skinned at the same time, which was really a wonder to them.

"How about now?"

"I just said, let me think about it first"

Then there was a couple seconds of silence, before Greg annoyingly turned his head towards Michael and said, "And now?"

"Let\'s talk about it later, yeah?"


Three seconds later.

"Is now a good time?"


With the fly constantly buzzing around him, a once in a blue moon scene happened, Michael finally snapped and yelled at him!

Michael\'s shout was so loud that everyone around him quickly shut their mouths because they thought they were the one being yelled at because of how loud that was!

Michael slowly turned his head like a robot towards Greg, and smiled with a not so smile saying, "You really want me to teach you those moves?"

Not knowing the danger he was in, Greg enthusiastically replied, "Bro! Are you for real right now!? Of course"

"Good, we\'ll do it when we reach the foot of the mountain, so shut up for me, yeah?" replied Michael with a smile, and Greg, on the other hand, really shut his mouth, but his body couldn\'t hide his shivering excitement.

When they were walking a couple of meters away from Michael and Greg.

Eunice could only facepalm, while Amanda murmured, "Oh boy, I think he just snapped"

Eunice turned towards her and whispered, "Is it bad?"

With a shake of her head, Amanda replied saying, "I don\'t know, I\'ve never seen it before, but I do know that he could fight multiple opponents because I heard from my friend that he managed to take down a small group of thugs from Blackskull like it was nothing"

"That bad?" Eunice couldn\'t help but be amazed and worried at the same time, and those nearby people who heard what Amanda said, couldn\'t help light up in excitement and started sharing the little gossip to the others, which made the group abuzz with excitement as they couldn\'t wait to see a fight unfold between a soldier and skilled fighter!

"Yeah, so shouldn\'t you stop your boyfriend?" said Amanda out of concern.

But Eunice just shook her head and said something out of the blue, like she was bragging, "Well, I didn\'t want to brag, but Greg was the best fighter out of their battalion, so I\'m not worried"

When Amanda heard that, she couldn\'t help but smirk saying, "Oh yeah?"

Eunice smiled at her and said, "Oh yeah~"

The two women looked at each other with a smile as the spark of rivalry started right there and then.

While the young man, who claimed he was a member of War Angel, could only swallow his saliva and thought excitedly.

\'Hehe, I just decided to go for a jog because I was bored earlier, but I didn\'t expect that I would actually see the Street Devil here! This is going to be fun, I need to record their fight later\'

At the same time, he took out his phone and started texting someone.

[Boss! You\'re not gonna believe this, but I\'m with the Devil right now!]


[Is there internet in hell now?] replied his Boss.

Looking at the message, the edge of his lips twitched as he wasn\'t expecting that kind of reply when he was being serious.

[No boss, I\'m not dead yet! I mean, I\'m with the Street Devil! You know, the guy from the rumors!]

Then a reply came, and it only annoyed him further when he saw it.

[And so?]

"F*ck!" cursed the young man, and he didn\'t bother replying anymore as his boss might annoy him to death with his text messages!

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