My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 139 - Just Like Animals (2) ** And Man Against The Heavens

There was no need for any further invitation.

With the sight of a woman displaying and offering herself up to him, bare twitching lips out in the open air, sopping wet for him to fuck her senseless—only a madman would have backed out now. He grabbed a hold of her face, lingering for just a moment to the vulnerable but lustful gaze on her face before he plunged right back inside of her. A second wind coming right back for this particular moment. No special drinks needed.

"Yes, right there." She panted and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes were squeezed shut, perhaps entirely focused on the pleasure. "I really needed this. Start moving, please. Thank you."

She really had no need to say it.. He began to do her hard. No holds barred, as she asked for it—like any animal might have done. Deliberately not saying a word, he paid no mind to her and fucked her.

Sex was good.

It was just fucking terrific and divine, and he pounded right into her. He was doing it hard and she could barely stifle back the sounds escaping her lips. The blissful and ecstatic feeling washed over him as he pumped faster and harder inside of her. Something white seared in his vision. The delicious sensation of her twitching insides made it a quickly addictive experience.

She was unbelievably hot.

Her voice cooed and moaned right in his ear, and all his inhibitions melted away. The two of them shared a kiss, her mouth melting into his as they tongued one another. The moist feeling of her soft tongue brushing against his was unique as he soon sucked on it.

Each novel sensation sent sparks all over him.

Her legs were wrapped around his lower back, raggedly waiting and riding through his paced thrust and motions. She was breathing heavily, practically panting and humping her hips back into him, desperate for more contact—until she caught her breath when he hit a rough spot inside of her.

"Good, good." Incoherent mumbling from her lips whispered into his mouth even as they kissed. "Hit it again, please." She was so vocal about her wants and needs.



She grew even wetter this time, soaking and coating him in her juices. At the same time, he could feel a pulsing and twitching sensation envelop his cock like a warm glove. Or something even richer than it. The smooth and silky feeling accompanied by the burning hotness seared his body.

Pleasure riding through his entire length.

He had to cave in soon.

He sucked in a breath and caressed her face. He panted for a moment. There would be no hesitations this time. "I\'m finishing off inside—"

"Yes! Inside, inside of me—"

With a quick bucking of her hips, a jerky movement sent him to the edge of oblivion. He would end up shooting his entire load inside of her, a delicious and unwinding stream of cum inside of her. He took his time pulling out and then lying down beside her, Taiga moving slightly to the side to give him some space.

He could hear her soft pants and saw the silent rising and lowering of her chest as she breathed. Sweat sheened on the sides of her face and shoulders, she couldn\'t even say a word. Instead, her hands were folded together.

"Are you tired?" he asked. Somehow it felt like he did all the work. She was completely on the receiving end, but it didn\'t matter to him as much as the outcome of it.


He was beginning to make terrible word puns, Li Yang rested his arm against his eyes and took in a deep breath. He was tempted to purchase a can of the Divine Energizer Drink because it really felt like something went out of him this time—

"Taiga is trying to use the yang essence you gave her for her cultivation. Most of the time, Taiga had to give up her yin, but now she finally has some yang elements—very thick and rich too."

Li Yang opened one of his eyes to stare at her. "What?"

"Did you just sleep with Taiga because you wanted to?" She grinned at him. "Don\'t waste the energies Taiga gave you and use it to enrich and balance your qi!"

He frowned slightly. "I see… is it instinctive?"

"Not rocket science! You\'ll get it fast if you already know how to gather and control qi." she nodded. "Qi is a vital life energy and with your sperm brimming with life, Taiga gets a really huge dosage which is great for balancing the elements of qi. Mine is usually fire type, thanks to my roots so Taiga needs to cultivate well."

Li Yang didn\'t expect her to know and actually be able to practice it. He was aware of it, but hadn\'t discovered much into the act and even the process—fully aware that simply purchasing the next cultivation was within his reach.

He even got a Yin-Yang Qi Pill from completing a mission earlier.

"Taiga was about to joke that you would get tiger cubs, but you\'re pretty distracted." She poked him in the cheek with a finger. "This cultivation technique renders all of your hard earned yang essence and jing into nothingness. All the floaty, swimmy and mobile friends of yours all go poof so Taiga can ascend with her cultivation. So good for the both of us."

"Is that so? Then that\'s good for you, Taiga." It was a bit relieving to hear about it. If he ever got someone pregnant again—well, he doubted the chances that any of the women he recently slept with would go about her day without grabbing emergency contraceptives.

He needed to start thinking about it more.

Even if he got bonus points in impregnating women, it didn\'t mean he would suddenly go around the city and fucking every woman for Charm Points. Maybe someone else would have. It was an option, especially if he was confident in his genes and the impressiveness of his future children.

But he shut his eyes for a moment and wrapped an arm around his bodyguard\'s waist. He let out a tired sigh and pulled her closer to him. "Wake me up in five minutes, I still have stuff to do."




In time, he would wake up to the sound of snores.

Li Yang glanced down at the sleeping Tigress Spirit, taking note of the sounds emanating from her and stifled a chuckle. He petted her hair and then covered her naked body with a blanket—she failed to wake him up, but his own internal body clock woke him up.

Perhaps he shouldn\'t have expected much, but he still got up from the bed.

Things were going great for the CEO, and perhaps someone content to live in this kind of situation would be more than satisfied. He already had so much more than other people living their lives trying to make ends meet. There was the thrill and excitement of obtaining missions and the complexity of meeting new women and trying to get them into one\'s harem—each one a unique experience.

He didn\'t even need to simply consider those counted by the System.

Even those not considered by it were wonderful and had their own beauty and charm that made him respect them. With Taiga being one of the recent women he met due to the certain changes in his lifestyle. Now she hadn\'t been able to do much of protecting him, but her constant companionship was also appreciated. Their recent activity, being the most intimate. 

He stretched and then padded over to his bathroom to shower.

Life was good and perhaps he could give up all the chasing and just accept the situation as it was? Lull himself to the sex and pleasure, and nothing else? Well, he didn\'t exactly look at it that way. Maybe it wasn\'t as overboard as that kind of thinking.

Perhaps it was what the Heavens had originally wanted—for a man of his busy nature and inability to do anything beyond his work to accept the good in life and savor them more. A chance to change his life for the better.

It would have been a beautiful deception he could tell himself.

And yet he was the type of person who others would say liked \'to make things harder for himself\' and insist on doing things that didn\'t need to be pushed. He didn\'t see it like that and refused to do so. Freedom that slipped out from his hands was irreplaceable, and it wasn\'t up to anybody else to interfere with his life and decide which way he should go.

Heavens be damned. 

The CEO would get dressed, prepare himself and go about his house before heading to the rooftop.

It was the middle of the night and already late enough that his brother and girlfriend were asleep. Chunhua was also sleeping soundly, the pink salmon in her room left with the rest of the seaweed. The man had prepared for this moment. From the documents left to his office to the items he had with him, he had finally decided to do it.

[ Would You Like To Open \'Unofficial System Patch\'? ]

All of his items were on his person, from the newly acquired obsidian sword he bought from the Player and even the healing potions as well. His pen was in his pocket along with the pack of chewing gum.

If there was ever an event that the System Patch would open a rift to another dimension and set the world to an apocalyptical setting—he would be one of the first responders.

It was an unlikely scenario, but the System was still unpredictable to him. Moreso the Unofficial Patch but this was a risk that he would be taking.

His remaining charm points were undistributed but saved for any necessary purchases. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. If this had been a game, this would be the time before a Save Point. He was preparing himself for the next step.

Nobody could stop him.

Bao finally appeared in thin air, a bit later than he expected it to be. "What the heck are you standing around there for—"

"Yes." it was the answer he had already chosen. 

Brightness seared his vision.


Author\'s Note: So uhh… I did both of the plots! The "plot" with Taiga and the plot of the story, which is still a thing. Although this time it\'s essentially just the CEO giving a middle finger to his situation and an \'F-you to the gods\' xD What can humans do in the face of the gods and fate? Whether you see it as a stupid stunt or something else meaningful is entirely up to your interpretation, regardless, thank you for sticking all the way here! 

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